Our family lives in Northern California in the Bay Area and we’ve been caught in an unusual situation, covered with smoke. As wildfire survivors who lost our home and all our possessions eleven years ago, it’s been a challenging couple of weeks as smoke from the Camp Fire rolled in and, like a stealthy dragon, wound its tail around our beautiful area. I was already having trouble with the news and praying fervently for friends’ relatives who were threatened in different fires throughout California. But suddenly… We awoke hearing sirens and seeing complete smoke outside the windows on a Saturday…
Helping friends with loss during the holidays
With the leaves beginning to turn and October in the air, I’m gearing up for a busy time of year and gathering thoughts for holidays. Yesterday, a small fire was put out near our new home in the Bay Area (thankfully!) I’m reminded of some basic things that were so helpful in those years of recovery from surviving a wildfire and losing our home—and everything it takes to run your life and feel “normal”. If you have a friend that endured or had a loss during the recent wildfires, floods, or hurricanes, and they seem tough, I can guarantee that…
Every Little Crumb Counts – How To Not Waste Lessons From Loss
In the wake of recent wildfires, floods, and disasters I want to encourage any of you in the midst of these tragedies, or supporting families who are affected by them. You’ve found yourself suddenly thrust into the center of a stage you never wanted to be on—one filled with sadness and hurt. Reflecting on the last ten years since we lost everything in a wildfire and also went through rough medical challenges with family, I’ve gathered some thoughts about how a similar series of losses have helped us in unusual ways. Every crumb of lessons we’ve learned has been helpful…
Our 10-Year Wildfire Anniversary
Today is our 10 year anniversary from the Witch Creek wildfire in San Diego. My son Jonathan wrote this for our MakeUsSmile.com thank-you website a few years ago. This year, we’ve moved to the Bay Area and again lost 1/3 of our possessions (somehow the movers misplaced them!) so we keep learning to hold “things” loosely and remain resilient in the face of challenges. That Night…What Happened With The Fires You can focus on the worst, or you can focus on the best We try not to focus on the bad part, but in case you’re wondering, here’s some of…
10 Things To Expect As Friends Rebuild Their Lives
Do you have a friend who’s had a sudden loss of property or huge life change? Here’s 10 things that you may want to anticipate as you partner to help them through this difficult season of life as they rebuild and start again. Decisions are hard – whether they’re dealing with doctors in a hospital or stacks of paperwork that suddenly replace their former home, a victim of trauma from fire or flood will have a hard time making small decisions. We all used to call it “fire brain” and try to joke, but it’s really difficult. When they hesitate,…
Sympathetic things to say, and to avoid saying, to someone just surviving
Recently a friend in Texas asked me for advice about how to approach sending a sympathetic note to her dear friends who had been flooded during the recent hurricanes. I knew immediately what she had in mind – she wanted to help or comfort them but really didn’t want to say the wrong thing. “You’ll know just what to do, Elizabeth, since you’ve lost everything before.” I never wanted to be the “disaster girl” or someone who had to become resilient, but she was right. I had some ideas to help her with the note and care package. Following a…
Hope for Recovery with Hurricane Harvey Victims, How You Can Help
That feeling when you have nothing. No toys for your children, just the shoes on your feet and maybe a couple of photos in the car or a computer. No pans to cook dinner in and no stove on which to prepare it. No sense of home or permanence. Thinking of getting through the day is awful, and the word “recovery” seems so hard and distant. And I can imagine what questions are swirling through the minds of those wonderful survivors in Houston with Hurricane Harvey. But I don’t want to leave you feeling alone. Or if you want to…
Evacuation Tips for Hurricane Harvey Victims
Someone official has said: GO. Leave your home. NOW. Do you know the five most important things to grab if you had to suddenly evacuate? It can be hard to think straight when the pressure is on and you need to be prepared. We’re taking a break from the #LetResilienceArise series to help give tips to people near a huge hurricane about to hit Texas and Louisiana. Here’s a short video (click HERE) with great tips depending on how much time you have to pack and be prepared: I’m really hoping you or someone you love doesn’t need these, but…
Author Amy Brock McNew’s Journey From Tornadoes To Peace In The Storm
I met Amy Brock McNew through writing friends and was thrilled to sit next to her during lunch at an ACFW conference. In that crowded restaurant in Nashville, seated at a long table filled with enthusiastic writers, Amy huddled over her phone and looked very worried. I asked what was going on and she was waiting to see if her step daughter was all right after a second tornado struck her community, and crushed the Starbucks where she was inside. I’ll never forget Amy’s heart for her family and we all stopped right there to pray for them all to…
A friend hurts…Don’t stand by idly waiting to help
Recently people keep asking me for advice about how to help others in need. You see, I’ve walked through very dark seasons of life with losing all our possessions, surviving wildfires, dealing with death or sickness, chronic pain issues, financial challenges, and more. You name it. We’ve seen it. Surprisingly, one of the hardest lessons to learn was to accept help. When you’re a giver the last thing you want is to need help from others. I’ve learned so much about grace and hope from being at that deep point of need. My children not having shoes or toys. Not…
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