Part One of the New Beginnings Series My son told me first thing he’d had a wonderful dream where his favorite story came alive, and he was able to fly and get special powers. You should have seen his ear-to-ear smile. I love watching a dream come true. And really, I’m so grateful for your support here too. For you’ve been watching my dream come true. There’s a popular song about turning ashes to beauty. I’ve been having memories of a photo I wish I’d taken, of helpers after the fires that found my manuscript with crispy, burnt edges and…
The Treasure Box
When you have to pack and run for it, you find out what is your true treasure. This week we’ve been in Dallas before some media work and it’s given me a renewed appreciation for generous hearts once more. People who accept you after many years, places bringing old smiles back to the surface, silly comments by our kids as they experience a new part of the world. Dallas has been kind to us once more, but mainly for the people and shared experiences that can bridge the distance and miles and years apart. As we head into uncharted territory,…
The Walk of Gratitude
After finishing my manuscript for my fantasy where the main character is a wildfire survivor, I was talking with a friend about those first weeks, months, and years—what it was like. And the words spilled out about all who helped us. Suddenly I knew what we could do with long hours on hot days this summer. We could each use our gifts to not focus on ourselves but on others’ goodness in a new way. Jonathan with his engineering side, Chief Tech and Director. Joey as Chief of Fun with dances and camera angle insights. Mom writing some of it…
Are You A Bit Unhinged?
Unfortunately, sudden crises or unexpected traumas are a part of life. A child needs medical attention. A friend wants extra support. Your finances require retuning. Clutter becomes an unwanted guest. The car falls apart at an intersection. Death comes knocking and decisions need to be made. So, what do you do when life throws a significant, unwanted curve ball? What if you try to open a door, and it comes right off the wall? In that moment, do you panic? Do you know how to get immediate resources and parse through key decisions? I confess, this is an area I…
Escape the Quicksand of Heartache
What is heartache? I’d define it as that sinking feeling when a difficult topic arises with a friend. It can be connected to relationships or experiences, but it’s that quicksand of loss and hurt that surrounds you when the topic or person comes up. So how do you transform your emotions after a season of loss? Let’s review the first three steps of this Lockout Series. First, look in your lockout, or virtual emotional storage unit, and see if there’s anything lurking in corners that needs to be dealt with. Discover your areas that need focus and attention. Second, discern…
Are You A Double Agent?
Part Two of the Lockout Series When I say the word “undercover” what’s the first thing that comes to mind? For me, it’s secret agents, or double agents. I like spy movies and intrigue. But here’s a tricky thought: are you your own double agent when it comes to dealing with trials? Are you improving over time or remaining paralyzed in pain? If you stuff down rather than press through, you may have secretly, stealthily been hampering your own progress. How’d a double agent get here? When you’re going through a rough time, sometimes you and your loved ones are…
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